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Join date: Mar 22, 2018


Noach is a direct lineage disciple of Dr. Young Wei Chieh, who himself is a direct lineage disciple of Master Tung Ching-Ch'ang and the foremost authority in the world on Master Tung Acupuncture. Noach studied Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture in Taiwan and has run a practice in California and Israel for nearly 30 years. He is fluent in Chinese, Hebrew, Spanish and English and teaches courses in Tung's Acupuncture internationally. He also mentors students in diagnostic and treatment strategies. In 2016, Noach was awarded the Grand Prize for his original insights into Master Tung Acupuncture, which he presented to over 1,200 acupuncture practitioners and students at the First Cross-Strait Tung's  Acupuncture Symposium in Guangzhou, China.

Noach Bittelman, L.Ac.

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